Hypnotherapy • Coaching • Breathwork
Powerful and Long-Lasting
Personal Change
Hart found his way into the world of personal and spiritual development through divine intervention. At a time when he was confused about where his passions and talents truly lie - the Universe decided to inspire him to try looking for a job in the sales sector. Despite the stigma, he soon found that the art of sales was just the art of making friends - the art of understanding someones needs and understanding how to articulate if you have a solution to help them. His first mentor sent him a PDF version of 'Awaken the Giant Within' by the infamous Tony Robbins - and since then his life has never truly been the same.
It wasn't long before everything he was learning in his new sales career led him to pursuing a qualification in Life Coaching, studying with The Coaching Academy in the UK. The next tool to come along was hypnotherapy, and Hart was lucky enough to study directly from Tom Fortes Mayer - renowned hypnotherapist and author of the books 'What is Hypnosis?' and 'The Freemind System'. The last string he added to his bow was to study Holotropic Breathwork, a potent and powerful process that he had found to be life-changing on many previous occasions. Now - he uses a fluid combination of these tools to help his clients to breakthrough blocks, rewrite stories, release stagnant energy and step into the most fulfilled and empowered version of themselves.
His signature program 'Money Mindset Mastery' is a full, bespoke, multi-month process designed to completely heal and transform your relationship to money, wealth and abundance.
For anyone interested in turning money from an enemy into a trusted ally and friend, follow the link below for more information.
See the 'Services' page for a detailed brochure on everything Hart offers as both private 1-on-1 and group services.
“Nial’s method helped me change my life for the better. I now have a positive belief system that helps me navigate life in a happier and more rewarding way.”
G. Dupuis - CEO: Horas Energy
"Going through this process with Nial gave me confidence and faith in a very testing time in life. I would recommend this program for anyone and everyone... no matter how much money you have!"
R. Ricci - Founder: MEYA
"Nial is super skilled. He helped me on a journey of self worth which ultimately led to the most successful career challenge of my life so far...
Amazing work, Thank you!"
"Nial took our entire team through this program - and literally overnight we started packing out our in-person retreats. Now - our business is thriving and more abundant than ever before."
L. Van Pletsen - AI Developer: SpotifyDJ
J. Degenaars - CEO: Fungi Academy